Anxiety and Panic Disorder

Do these sound familiar to you?

“I can’t stop worrying!”

“Anxiety is affecting my work, school, and home-life.”

“The “what-if’s” are taking over!”

“I often feel restless and tense.”

“I have trouble sleeping due to worrying so much.”

“I’m so irritable lately.”

“Fear and discomfort come on so suddenly, sometimes I feel like I can’t breathe or am having a heart attack.”

You can feel better!

As a team, we will work to help you learn that these symptoms are not dangerous, to overcome fears, and to gain control over the anxiety.

We will change your thoughts about worrisome situations, which will decrease your anxious feelings.

Together, you can feel more calm and at peace with yourself.


Face It and Feel It: 10 Simple (but not Easy) Ways to Live Well with Anxiety by Kimberly Morrow

Calming Your Anxious Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You From Anxiety, Fear, and Panic by Jeffrey Brantley

Anxiety & Depression Association of America

20 Phrases To Use When You Are Anxious